December 12, 2016
HCC’s 2016 Year of Progress
The year in review is already upon us and 2016 has been quite the year for dramatic politics, unpredicable outcomes and changing tides.
Featuring 5 HCC events attracting almost a total of 1000 guests, 12 HCC Executive meetings, the launch of Markets of Lights along Dixon Street and our first HCC decade celebrated, 2016 has been quite a year for our Chamber. Read more HERE
Chinese New Year of the Monkey
As our largest event ever, we saw 500 guest with Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and Lucy Turnbull AO, Lord Mayor Clover Moore and many special dignitaries celebrate the most mischieveious Chinese New Year of the Monkey at our first ever HCC Chinese New Year Banquet in Jan 2016. Experience HCC’s Chinese New Year of the Monkey HERE. This special event was then followed by our first ever private screening of the adventurous Monkey King 2 film kindly hosted by Events Cinema.
2016/17 Executive Team
Following a burst into the Chinese New Year, our mid year AGM welcomed the re-election of our wonderful President Simon Chan, Vice Present Jessie Xiao and 14 strong Executive Committee members; Peter Wong, George Wing Kee, Brad Chan, Jonathan Wong, Richard Hughes, Vaughn De Vocht, Linda McCreath, Grace Shen, Ryan Tian, Aaron Stathi, Anthony Keirann, Peter Bannister and Stephan Wan. Read more about HCC’s leadership team HERE.
First Decade
Most importanly HCC celebrated our frist decade with our HCC 10th Anniversary at the 100 year old Capitol Theatre. Graced with the The Hon. Gladys Berejiklian MP, The Hon. Jodi McKay, Lord Mayor Clover Moore and Deputy Lord Mayor Kerryn Phelps, Charlie Teo and hundreds of valued members and Chamber friends, we reflected on the last 10 years and with anticpation looked forward with hope towards the next decade. Watch our HCC 10th Anniversary Video HERE
HCC Sponsors
In addition to this we were pleased to welcome our ongoing valuable partners and sponors with the City of Sydney, Westpac and welcomed new HCC sponsors with Market City and NSW Transport. The valuable funding we received enabled us to launch the Market of Lights with 38 Monkey Light Sculptures bringing life to Dixon Street during the tail end of Vivid as well as conduct very valuable and regular market research throughout Haymarket which we will launch in mid January 2017. HCC’s Market of Lights
HCC looks foward to launching into an exciting year ahead at our next HCC Chinese New Year of the Fire Rooster with our special guests, many members and Chamber friendsto on Friday 10 February. The HCC CNY inviitation is below. Book early so you don’t miss you out.
Market of Lights will launch in mid 2017 followed by a much anticipated HCC Asia Panel event in September.
Thank you for being apart of HCC’s community we very much value your time in supporting and participating with our programs and events each year. May 2017 be as prosperous and fruitful.
HCC would like to thank our Partners and Sponsors: City of Sydney, Westpac, Market City and NSW Transport for their wonderful support and commitment to HCC in 2016.