Small Business & Fair Trading Seminar

Small Business & Fair Trading Seminar

May 18, 2015

Small Business and Fair Trading Seminar

The Dept of Fair Trading in partnership with City of Sydney, Kogarah City Council, NSW Small Business Commissioner, ASIC and the Australian Migration Agents Registration Authority (MARA) will be holding local business seminars in June.  These events aim to inform, educate and raise awareness of fair trading issues and services to local retailers. 

These events will focus is a product safety education campaign that will be run from 1-30 June 2015.

During this time Officers will continue to provide greater awareness and understanding to Chinese traders about product safety requirements when selling goods such as toys and general products in NSW. Other Information on selling safety products will also be made available on Chinese radio programs and newspapers and to our community partner

There are two seminars planned as part of the education campaign –

Chinese small business seminar

Tuesday, 2 June from 5-8.30pm at Novotel Hotel, Haymarket

Mandarin small business seminar

Tuesday, 9 June from 5-8.30pm at Kogarah Leagues Club  

Brief summary of topics: 

NSW Fair Trading –  Topic: What we can do for you – Selling goods and services under the Australian Consumer Law.

Office of the NSW Small Business Commissioner Topic: How we can assist small business operators.

· Australian Securities & Investments Commission (ASIC) – Topic: Business registrations, renewals, compliance & deterrence.

City of Sydney – Topic: How your Council can help your business

For further information please call the Dept to Fair Trading  on 9619 8705.
