HCC Welcomes New EC 2018/19

HCC Welcomes New EC 2018/19

October 29, 2018

HCC Annual General Meeting

HCC’s 2018 Annual General Meeting was held in early October and we are very fortunate to welcome our nine committed and talented  professionals who were successfully nominated as our Haymarket Chamber of Commerce Executive Committee for 2018/19.

Congratulations to our very valued and re-elected President Simon Chan and Vice President Jessie Xiao and we warmly welcome our newly appointed Treasurer Jonathan Wong, Public Officer Richard Hughes and Secretary Arthur Chao.

Finally we are very pleased to announce our re-elected Executive members Vaughn de Vocht, Vincent Lim and Linda McCreath and Karen Soo in Executive Management.  Our deep gratitude to our outgoing HCC EC 2017 members Peter Bannister, Grace Shen, Aaron Stathi, Peter Wong and George Wing Kee for their tireless support and contribution.

HCC stands as one of the leading Chambers in Sydney and this is born from the amazing vision and dedication by HCC founders and honorary members; George Wing Kee and Peter Wong who will continue providing HCC with their ongoing support and guidance.

From L to R: Richard Hughes, Karen Soo, Jonathan Won, Simon Chan, Vaughn de Vocht,
Arthur Chao and Vincent Lim. Apologies: Jessie Xiao and Linda McCreath

Peter Wong 2nd to the left and George Wing Kee to the far right.
