Federal Budget Debrief Webinar, 10 am Wednesday 30 March 2022

Federal Budget Debrief Webinar, 10 am Wednesday 30 March 2022

March 29, 2022

Our Federal Treasurer, the Hon. Josh Frydenberg MP, is handing down the nation’s 2022/2023 Budget at approximately 7.30 pm this evening.

One of the Chamber’s members, William Buck, is holding a Federal Budget debrief webinar on Wednesday 30 March 2022 at 10 am AEDT.

If you would like to join William Buck’s tax specialists, Todd Want and Danielle Constantine, the morning after Budget hand-down as they explore key Budget initiatives and their impact on you and your business, CLICK HERE

Discussions will include:

  • Stimulus for private business – will this Budget maintain the momentum of Australia’s economic recovery by once again supporting jobs?
  • Tax rates and key middle market tax measures – what opportunities and pitfalls will there be for you and your business?
  • The ATO’s recently announced draft guidance that focuses on family trusts – should you reconsider your tax planning strategies or business and investment structures in light of the ATO guidance and the Budget measures?


Best wishes


Haymarket Chamber of Commerce

