November 30, 2023
On Monday 4 December 2023, at 2.05 pm, the City of Sydney’s Transport, Heritage and Planning Committee will be meeting to consider the post-public exhibition reports from Council staff on the Haymarket and Chinatown Revitalisation Strategy and Public Domain Plan.
Following the Committee meeting, the revitalisation strategy and public domain improvements plan will be put to a Council meeting the following week on Monday 11 December 2023 for approval.
The 4 December 2023 committee meeting agenda and related documents (including a summary of the submissions made by the Chamber and other stakeholders) may be found here. The relevant items in the agenda are Items 3 and 4.
There have been some minor amendments made to the previous drafts of the Revitalisation Strategy and the Public Domain Plan, all of which have been highlighted/marked-up in the relevant documents.
Members of the public may attend the meeting and address the committee. If you would like to speak at the meeting, you must register before 10 am on the day of the meeting by sending an email to or you may phone (02) 9265 9702 to register. Please include details of the item you wish to speak about, your name, email address and mobile phone number. Please also read the Guidelines for speakers at council committees for more information.
If you cannot attend in person, you can make a written submission which will be circulated to Committee members. Please email any submissions to by 10 am on the day of the meeting.
You can also watch a webcast (live stream) of the meeting on the City of Sydney website.