City of Sydney Election Welcomes Lord Mayor Clover Moore

November 4, 2016

City of Sydney Election Welcomes Lord Mayor Clover Moore and City of Sydney Councillors 2016 – 2020 The booming voice of world champion Town Crier, Graham Keating, officially declared the new City of Sydney Council last week at a ceremony on the steps of Sydney Town Hall. HCC congratulates Clover Moore and returning Councillors Kok, Councillor Foster, Councillor Scott and Councillor Vithoukas for their successful return to the City of Sydney Councill.  HCC extends a very warm welcome to the new Deputy Lord Mayor Kerryn Phelps and Independent Councillors Thallis, Councillor Scully, Councillor Miller and to Liberal Councillor Chung. The five newly elected councillors who bring a diverse range of experience to Australia’s leading local government.  Ms Moore who won the mayoralty with an overwhelming 60 per cent of the vote for a record fourth term as Lord Mayor. Lord Mayor Clover Moore said she was just as eager to return as Mayor of Sydney as she was when first elected to the role in 2004.  “The election results are a ringing endorsement of our city’s progressive policies and our long-term focus on creating lasting change for the many people who live, work and visit our city.

Kerryn Phelps has been elected deputy mayor of the City of Sydney in the first phase of a plan to succeed Clover Moore, declaring a “busy year ahead”.

The high-profile GP and former Australian Medical Association president, who was elected at an extraordinary council meeting last night, said … read more HERE
