June 14, 2013
Wednesday 17 February 2010
Friday 19 February 2010
Tuesday 23 February 2010
Thursday 25 February 2010
11am – 1pm
Starting Point:
McDonalds, Entertainment Centre, Harbour Street Haymarket.
Discover the amazing history of Sydney’s Chinatown – delve into its past, hear stories of its people, its emergence from muddied paddocks to the bustling tourist Mecca of today. These historical walking tours have been run in past years during Chinese New Year celebrations and have proved really popular and as a result in 2010, there are now four tours planned. The tours are two hours duration and are lead by George Wing Kee.
Gold coin donation & optional yum cha @ $18 per person
0403 302 578 (Percy) – numbers limited
Haymarket Chamber of Commerce