March 31, 2015

Architecture, Design & Culture


Six mega trusses, each weighing 30 tonnes and measuring 20-metres
in length, were fabricated in China and shipped to the site.

Five years ago 180 Thomas Street, Haymarket Sydney was a four-storey brick plinth with cumbersome structural columns and a central lift core, not the most exciting building nor the easiest to redevelop.

In 2014 a new 180 Thomas Street opens its doors with an extra nine-storeys of 5 Star Green Star Office As Built V3 rated offices, thanks to Bates Smart Architects and a City of Sydney design excellence competition.  High Rise Green – According to the City of Sydney all new development across Sydney will aim for high green star ratings and these measures include green infrastructure including tri-generation and recycled water networks.  Read more HERE


These exciting new developments and initiatives occurring in and around Haymarket reflects the area’s ability to adapt and transform.  Each day Haymarket attracts over 25,000 visitors, workers, students and residents who bustle through the streets of this distinctly Asian district with supports over 3000 local businesses.  With the local area’s ability to adopt global trends and support local needs as well as lead the way in showcasing diversity and harmony, Haymarket continues to be one of the leading cultural and innovation destinations in Australia.
